Explain technical and legal issues of Computer forensics?

Subject: Digital Forensics

Topic: System Investigation

Difficulty: High

1 Answer

Technical and legal issues of Computer forensics has following issues:

Issue 1: Jurisdictional (state to state and federal to state)

Issue 2: Computer evidence presentation difficulties

Issue 3: Criminal prosecution vs. civil litigation

Issue 4: International cooperation in legal practice

Issue 5: Access and exchange of information

Issue 6: Confidential records and business systems privacy

Issue 7: Privacy protection for data transmission laws

Issue 8: Privacy issues and workplace surveillance

Issue 9: Interpretation of laws affecting digital evidence

Issue 10: Preservation of privacy of clients during digital investigations

Issue 11: Launching actions against persons unknown in civil litigation

Issue 12: Requirement for best practices guides and standards

Issue 13: Computer literacy in the legal sector

Issue 14: Contrast of broadcast vs. communications

Issue 15: Need to specify new offenses

Issue 16: Testing of new tools and techniques

Issue 17: Expert witness skills and qualifications

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