What is CSS? Explain the ways by which CSS is included in the Web page.

Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem 4 > Web Programming

Marks: 10M

Year: Dec 2014, May 2014, Dec 2015

1 Answer
  • The Cascading Style Sheet is a markup language used in the web document for presentation purpose.
  • The primary intention of CSS was to separate out the web content from the web presentation.
  • Various elements such as text, font and color are used in CSS for presentation purpose.
  • Thus CSS specification can be applied to bring the styles in the web document.
  • There are 3 ways to use CSS in a HTML page.
    • Inline Cascading sheet
    • Document level styles sheet
    • External level style sheet

Inline Cascading Sheet

  • The Inline cascading style sheet is a kind of style sheet in which the different styles can be applied to HTML tags. This tag can be applied using following rule:


    { property:value }

  • For example:

    <p style=”font-family: Calibri; color:orange” >

    In this example, styles are applied to tag p. To define more than one attribute, a semicolon is used.

    <head><title>Inline Cascading Style Sheet</title></head>
    <p>this is simple text</p>
    <p1 style=”font-size: 40pt; color:red”>This is first sentence</p1>
    <p2 style=”font-size: 30pt; font-family: Arial Black”>this is second sentence</p2>
  • Three different sentences are written on a webpage

  • First sentence is a simple text without any style applied on it, second and third sentence has a different styles applied on it.
  • This is called inline cascading style sheet since styles can be applied in the occurrence of HTML element.

  • Advantage: Uniform styles can be applied for the whole document

  • Disadvantage: It is not a good practice to use this style sheet.

Document Level Style Sheet:

  • In Document level style sheet, styles are defined in the head and newly defined in the head and newly defined selector tags in body can be used with actual contents.
  • This is achieved by using style tag in a head section. This helps in identifying that document level style is used.

    <title> Document level Style Sheet</title>
    <style  type=”text/css”>
       font-family: Arial; color:blue;
        font-size:20pt; font-family: verdana
    <h1>This is text in blue color</h1>
    <p>This is text of Verdana family</p>
  • The above program, selectors are defined in the head section only and these HTML elements are used along with the web page contents

  • Advantage: It helps to decide the layout of the web page and applies unique style to web page.
  • Disadvantage: This can’t be used when we want to apply style sheet more than one document.

External Style Sheet: - To apply a particular style sheet on a more than one web page, External Style - The desired styles sheet is stored in .css file and then the same file can be used for multiple web pages. - To achieve this, a <link> tag is used. It has following attributes - rel: defines what is to be linked - href: denotes a path name of stylesheet - type: defines the type of fine to link

HTML File:

<title> External Style Sheet></title>
<link rel=”stylesheet”  type=”text/css”  href=”sample1.css”/>
<h1> this is external style sheet</h1>

Advantage: When there is a need to change any style, only one file needs to be changed. One Style sheet can be used by multiple web pages.

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