written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 8.5 years ago |
Mumbai university > Civil > SEM 8 > Industrial Waste Treatment
Marks: 10M
Year: Dec 2014,
written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 8.5 years ago |
Mumbai university > Civil > SEM 8 > Industrial Waste Treatment
Marks: 10M
Year: Dec 2014,
written 8.5 years ago by |
The modification in conventional aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment methods are as follows:
Oxidation ditch:
The oxidation ditch involves the construction of number of ditch channels placed together side by side having depth of about 1.5m and length from 150-1000m or so.
It may either consist of earthwork or in brick or stone masonry with vertical walls.
The quality of effluent is quite good with suspended solids removal at about 95.4% and BOD removal about 98%
This method however requires skilled supervision.
It can be advantageously used for treating waste water from industries like pharmaceuticals, tanning, dairy etc located in densely populated area.
Oxidation pond:
In oxidation pond, symbiosis relation exists between bacteria and algae.
During day time in presence of O2, during photosynthesis process, this O2 is used by bacteria for oxidation of organic matter.
In turn, bacteria will generate their own cell mass and CO2 is ultimate product of this oxidation process by algae.
Depth of pond is maintained from 0.5-1m so that aerobic condition is maintained and also sunlight can reach upto bottom of ground.
BOD removal ranges from 75-80%. It is necessary to give further treatment.
Aerated lagoons:
An aerated lagoon is an earthen basin about 2.5-4m deep in which sludge sewage is filled and aerated by means of diffused air or mechanical aeration. Commonly mechanical aerators can be used.
They are firmly fixed on permanent foundation. Sewage is sent in these lagoons after passing the grit chamber into giving any primary treatment.
The detention period of 3-5 days is provided.
It is ideally suited for middle size towns. The waste water of industries such as paper standard and food industries can also be easily treated by aerated lagoon.
Due to increased depth they require shorter detention time i.e. 1/8-1/10 of these required for stabilization pond.
The oxygen capacity varies from 1.5-2.5 kg of O2/lit/hr at 20 degree Celsius.
The values vary depending on the characteristics of the sewage.