Explain reference and de-reference operators with example.
2 Answers

Reference operators:

  • Address of operator (“&”) is known as referencing operator.

  • This operator returns the address of the variable associated with the operator.

  • For e.g., if we write “&x”, it will return the address of the variable “x’.

  • Hence, if we have a pointer “p”, which we want to point to a variable x, then we need to copy the address of the variable “x” in the pointer variable “p”.

  • This is implemented by the statement: p = &x;

Dereference operators:

  • Value of operator (“*”) is known as dereference operator.

  • This operator returns the value stored in the variable pointed by the specified pointer.

  • For e.g., if we write “*p”, it will return the value of the variable pointed by the pointer “p”.

  • Hence, if we want the value of the variable pointed by the pointer “p” to be stored in a variable “y”, then the expression can be written as: y = *p;


Reference operators:

  • Address of operator (“&”) is known as referencing operator.

  • This operator returns the address of the variable associated with the operator.

  • For e.g., if we write “&x”, it will return the address of the variable “x’.

  • Hence, if we have a pointer “p”, which we want to point to a variable x, then we need to copy the address of the variable “x” in the pointer variable “p”.

  • This is implemented by the statement: p = &x;

Dereference operators:

  • Value of operator (“*”) is known as dereference operator.

  • This operator returns the value stored in the variable pointed by the specified pointer.

  • For e.g., if we write “*p”, it will return the value of the variable pointed by the pointer “p”.

  • Hence, if we want the value of the variable pointed by the pointer “p” to be stored in a variable “y”, then the expression can be written as: y = *p;

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