Explain difference between switch statement, ladder of if else and nested if else.
1 Answer
Sr. No If else statement Switch statement Ladder if else statement Nested if else statement
1. We can test only one condition. We can test multiple conditions. We can test multiple conditions We can test multiple conditions
2. We cannot,have different conditions. We can have only one expression. Conditions are independent to each other. Conditions are independent to each other.
3. Used when there is only one condition and one value of the same is to be tested. Used when there is only one condition and multiple values of the same is to be tested. Used when there is multiple conditions are to be tested. Used when there is multiple conditions are to be tested
4. Values are based on constraint. Values are based on user choice Values are based on constraint Values are based on constraint
5. In this first condition is tested then it comes to else if the condition is not true In this first condition is checked and then it switches to that case. In this first condition is tested then it comes to else if the condition is not true and then the other conditions are tested. In this first condition is tested then it comes to else if the condition is not true and then the other conditions are tested.
6. It is used to evaluate a condition to be true or false It is used to test multiple values of the same variable or expression like 1, 2 3 etc. It is used to evaluate multiple conditions to be true or false and accordingly perform various tasks according to the correct condition It is used to evaluate multiple conditions based on previous condition to be true to decide whether to perform a task or not.
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