What is the difference between holography and photography? Discuss the construction and reconstruction of image in holography with neat diagram.

Mumbai university > FE > SEM 2 > Applied Physics II

Marks: 8M

Year: Dec 2013

1 Answer

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Holography Photography
1) Holography is a technique of producing 3D image. 1) Photography is a technique of producing 2D image.
2) In Hologram, both intensity and phase of light waves are recorded. 2) In a photography, only intensity of light waves are recorded.

I) Construction of Image:-

  • A laser source generating plane wavefront is used.

  • The beam of light is split into illuminate beam and reference beam.

  • As the illuminating beam reflects of the object, their phase differs from the reference beam as each light wave traverse different distance depending upon the object.

  • Due to phase change, the object beam gives rise to interference pattern with reference beam which is recorded oh photographic plate, which is then develop.

  • In this way image is created.

II) Reconstruction of Image:-

  • In order to view a 3D image, we need to have a similar laser source as used to record the hologram, onto a developed.

  • When this beam illuminates the hologram it is diffracted due to surface pattern.

  • This produces a light field similar to the one which originally produced the hologram.

  • As a result, the three dimensional virtual image is formed.

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