written 8.1 years ago by |
Even before making a job shift, you have to ensure that next employer is right for you. After all, it’s about your career. Here are 5 things you should know about a company before joining it.
1.What they do
This is the very first thing to do. Inquire about what they do, what is their core aim and how well they are doing financially. All this information is easily available on the internet.
2.Their vision
Knowing why a company does what it does is critical. A company's purpose or end goal determines their long-term focus and areas of interest. For you, that could translate into long term career prospects or a short, quick stint.
3.Company structure
Where is the corporate office? Is there a board of directors? What hierarchy do they follow? Is it a flat or vertical structure? These things are important to decide the course of daily dealings in the company.
4.The company culture
Is the company rigid or flexible? Is there a dress code? How are employees supposed to address colleagues, managers and bosses? Do they foster a collaborative environment? Getting clarity on these aspects is vital for ensuring that you'll be a good fit there.
5.Media mentions
Companies are constantly evolving and changing. You should be updated about their current events and happenings to understand where they are heading and if you can aspire to have a long-term career there.