Compare schottky barrier diode and PN junction diode

Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem 3 > Analog and Digital Circuits

Marks: 04 M

Year: Dec15

1 Answer
Schottky Diode P-N Junction Diode
Junction is formed between N type semiconductor to Metal plate. Junction is formed between P and N type semiconductors
It has low forward voltage drop. Compare to schottky diode it has more forward voltage drop.
Reverse recovery time and reverse recovery loss are very very less. The Reverse recovery time and reverse recovery loss are more.
They are used in High frequency applications like SMPS circuit. They can be used in high frequency applications.
It is a unipolar deviceIt is a unipolar device. i.e., Current conduction is happening due to movement of electrons only. It is a bipolar device. i.e., Current conduction is due to movement of both holes and electrons.
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