What is the Green Supply Chain?
1 Answer
  • From product design to manufacturing to logistics management to product recovery, your supply chain has a major environmental impact. And, it is not enough for your Green Supply Chain strategy to simply attempt to mitigate these effects. To be accepted and successful, it has to be seen to drive value creation throughout your company.
  • While the wider goal may be CO2 reduction, for any company the real benefits are usually measured in terms of better utilisation of assets, less waste production, faster times to market, greater product innovation and increased profitability.
  • Key to the success of any sustained Green Supply Chain initiative is how your company changes the way it works with upstream and downstream trading partners. If you take a lifecycle approach – from initial raw material extraction to eventual product disposal – then this will require a much greater degree of collaboration, transparency and integration of supply chain processes and systems between trading partners than there has previously been.
  • Underpinning these new working practices is intelligent supply chain management and B2B ecommerce that enables the low cost creation of global trading communities that use automation to improve their business performance while achieving significant environmental results.
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