Prepare an approximate estimate for (G+4) R.C.C. building

Prepare an approximate estimate for (G+4) R.C.C. building. Bldg consists of 4 flats on each floor & each flat has carpet area of 100 m² Assume area occupied by walls & columns etc. as 10% of built up area & area of circulation as 20% of built up area. Assume cost of construction as Rs. 12000/m².

1 Answer

Carpet area = $\text{Carpet area/flat} = 100m² \\ \text{Carpet area/floor} = 100*5 \\ = 500m²$

Total carpet area $= 500*5 \\ = 2500 m²$

Total built up area $= \text{C.A. + wall area + circulation area} \\ = 2500 + \dfrac{10}{100}* 2500 + \dfrac{20}{100} * 2500$

Built up area = 3250 m²

Cost of superstructure $= 12000/m² \\ = 3250 * 12000 \\ = 39,000,000$

Cost of foundation $= \dfrac{20}{100} * 39,000,000 \\ = 78,00,000$

Building cost $\text{= foundation + superstructure} \\ = 4,68,00,000$

Cost of WC $=\dfrac{5}{100} * 4,68,00,000 \\ = 23,40,000$

Electrification $= \dfrac{7}{100} * 46800000 \\ = 3276000$

Cost of sanitation $= \dfrac{5}{100} * 46800000 \\ = 2340000$

Overall cost = 54756000

Contingency $= \dfrac{5}{100} * 54756000 \\ = 2737800$

Work establishment $= \dfrac{2.5}{100} * 54756000 \\ = 1368900$

Final cost = 58862700.

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