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Database Technologies - Dec 2012
Information Technology (Semester 6)
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data wherever required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 (a) Explain Replication in Database.(5 marks)
1 (b) Explain BCNF with Example.(5 marks)
1 (c) Compare Data mart and Data Warehouse.(5 marks)
1 (d) Explain Nested Relations.(5 marks)
2 (a) Suppose that we decompose the schema
R = (A, B, C, D, E) into (A, B, C) and
(A, D, E)Show that this decomposition is a lossless join decomposition if the following set F of functional dependencies hold:
A ? BC
CD ? E
B ? D
E ? A(10 marks)
2 (b) What are the main architectures used for building parallel Databases? Give advantages and disadvantages of each.(10 marks)
3 (a) Explain Security and Authorization in SQL.(10 marks)
3 (b) Given a relation with eight attributes Proj_no, Proj_name, Emp_no, Emp_name, Job_class, Charge_hrs, Hrs_billed and Tot_charges.
Normalize it upto 3rd Normal form.(10 marks)
4 (a) Explain design and implementation issues in Mobile Database.(10 marks)
4 (b) What is fragmentation? Explain different types of fragmentation in distributed database.(10 marks)
5 (a) Explain object identity and type constructors with example.(10 marks)
5 (b) Define Data warehouse. Explain architecture of data warehouse with suitable block diagram.(10 marks)
6 (a) Consider a data warehouse for hospital, where there are three dimensions:
(i) Doctor (ii) Patient (iii) Time
and two measures-
(i) Count (ii) Charges
where charges is the fee that doctor charges a patient for visit.
Using the above example, describe the following OLAP operations:
(i) Slice (ii) Dice (iii) Rollup (iv) Drilldown(10 marks)
6 (b) Explain various Extended features of ER Diagram such as aggregation,Generalization and Specialization with suitable examples.(10 marks)
Write short notes on (any two)
7 (a) Spatial Databases.(10 marks) 7 (b) OLAP Servers.(10 marks) 7 (c) ODL Schema.(10 marks) 7 (d) Comparison between OLTP and OLAP.(10 marks)