written 8.0 years ago by | • modified 8.0 years ago |
Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem 5 > Open Source Technology
Marks: 5M
Year: Dec 2015
written 8.0 years ago by | • modified 8.0 years ago |
Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem 5 > Open Source Technology
Marks: 5M
Year: Dec 2015
written 8.0 years ago by |
10 Steps To Publish Your First Android App On Google Play Store
Create an account
To publish your app in the Google Play Store, you need to have an account with Google. You might already have a personal email account with them, but it is better to have a separate one to manage your app(s). While registering your publisher account, you would have to pay a registration fee of 25 USD, using Google payments. After this, a verification mail would be sent to you; and then, you can sign in to your Developer Console, where all the action would take place.
Familiarise yourself with Developer Console
Google Play Developer Console is the starting point and the main dashboard for app publishing operations and tools. Before you go ahead get to know its interface, also familiarise yourself with the list of developer countries and merchant countries. The list of developer countries will tell you about all the locations where distribution to Google Play users is supported. And, if you want to sell apps, or have subscriptions or in-app purchases, then you need to review the list of merchant countries. Apart from this, take a look at the Developer Distribution Agreement, to avoid anything that violates the Google Play’s terms and conditions.
Fill in the necessary account details
After this, log in to complete your account details. For example, you need to provide your Developer Name, the name which would be displayed in the Google Play Store. After filling in the details, you will have to wait for anything between just a little and 48 (the official time frame) hours, for the Google Play Developer registration to be processed.
Link your merchant account
If you have a paid app, or one with subscriptions or in-app purchases, then you need to link your Google payments merchant account to your developer profile. Your linked account can be used for financial and tax identification as well as monthly payouts from sales.
Upload your app
When you are logged in to the Google Play Developer Console, click on “Add New Application” in the “All Applications” tab. Select the correct “Default Language” from the drop-down menu and then type the “Title” of the app, which is your app’s name with which it will appear in the Play Store. After this, select the “Upload APK” button to land on a new page, which would be the homepage for your app. Here, upload the pre-prepared “.apk” file of your app. The timeframe for uploading of the file will depend on its size. The app will remain in the drafts until and unless you publish it.
Alpha and Beta testing the app
Before you launch your app, it is essential to test it with a sample of end users to get their feedback; and the Google Play takes care of that as well. In the “APK” section of the Developer Console, you will find the options related to “Beta Testing” and “Alpha Testing”. After you have uploaded your app’s “.apk” file(s), you can use these options to receive a URL that can be shared with the testers. Using this link, testers can download your app’s alpha or beta version. Just remember, your testers cannot provide feedback and reviews on the app page; for this, you would have to get in touch with them yourself. You can use their feedback to optimise your app and make relevant changes in it before publishing it in the store.
Provide details for store listing
Now comes the most important part of uploading the app, as this is the place that will determine how it would be seen in Google Play. After uploading the “.apk” file of your app, go to the “Store Listing” tab. Over there, you need to add the details of the app, like a “Short description” (of 12 to 80 characters) and a “Full description” (of up to 100 characters) of the app. Along with this, add screenshots, a link of the promo video (if you have one), contact details (website name, email id, phone number, etc.), categorisation (application type category and content rating), and other such important details related to the app. After completing the relevant fields, press the “Save” button. You can update your store listing at any time, so do not panic if you have made some mistake or left out a field while filling up.
Add pricing and distribution details
Now, move to the next tab, which is “Pricing & Distribution” and select whether it is a “Free” or a “Paid” app. Also, select the distribution countries and check the boxes stating that your app complies with the content guidelines. If your app is an educational one, then you can put it in the limelight using “Google Play for Education” option or if it is compatible with an Android TV, then you can add a Leanback launch over here. Once you are done, save the changes and move on to the next step.
Publishing the application
When all the three tabs- “APK”, “Store Listing” and “Pricing & Distribution”- have been filled and there appears a green check mark next to them, you are all ready to publish the app in Google Play. All you need to do is, click the “Publish this app” button under the “Ready to Publish” drop-down menu at the top right corner of the Developer Console. After you have hit the button, a confirmation bar would show up stating that your app would appear shortly in the Google Play Store. Once your app is published, you can update it as often as you want. You can even make changes with the pricing, configuration and distribution options at any time.
Device Filtering option
These are a series of extra options that might not seem to be of much importance as you publish the app, but they can prevent your app from getting negative feedbacks. Through Google Play, you can control the distribution of your app according to the device features that are compatible with it. Allow only those devices to find your app in the Play Store that are compatible with your app. There is also an option to manually filter problematic or non-compatible devices, so make the most of it to stay on the top and filter out any negativities.