written 7.2 years ago by |
F. W. Taylor also known as father of scientific management, had developed management principles scientifically. After the industrial revolution, the workforce increased by multiple times in the industries and the managerial level personnel were only supervising on them and productivity measure were not taken care of. There was no parameter set made to measure productivity and improve upon.
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth emphasized method by focusing on identifying the elemental motions in work, the way these motions were combined to form methods of operation, and the basic time each motion took.
Henry Gantt developed the gantt chart,which is used for scheduling multiple overlapping tasks over a time period. He focused on motivational schemes, emphasizing the greater effectiveness of rewards for good work. He develop a pay incentives system with a guaranteed minimum wage and bonus system for people on fixed wages. Also, gantt focused on the importance of the qualities of leadership and management skills in building effective industrial organizations.