Convert the following NFA to a reduced DFA(final state is marked by *)

Convert the following NFA to a reduced DFA(final state is marked by *)

$\delta$ 0 1
p p,q r
q r r
r s ---
$^*s$ s s
1 Answer

The NFA that is made from the table is as follows:

enter image description here

Now, as {p} is initial state, it is added to the solution

We take the state transitions of all states for each input


Therefore, {p,q} is added to the solution



Therefore, {r} is added to the solution



Therefore, {s} is added to the solution





Therefore, {p,q,r} is added to the solution


Therefore, {q,r} is added to the solution




Therefore, {r,s} is added to the solution




Therefore, the solutions set S ={{p,q},{r},{s},{p,q,r},{q,r},{r,s},{q,r,s}}

enter image description here

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