Give the DTD for the XML schema
written 6.7 years ago by | • modified 2.6 years ago |
Subject: Distributed Database
Topic: XML
Difficulty: High
Consider a library database system ,which maintains entries for magazines, books and journals. For books titles, subject area ,author names ,publisher name, edition and year are to be stored. For magazines, name ,volume number and date etc are to be stored for journals subject name, subject area, list of articles ,editiors…etc is to be stored. Further for each article the author name, title,and some identification for the journal in which it appeared must be stored.
a) Give the DTD for the XML schema for the described system.
b) Write the following queries in XQuery
i) Display books, Magazine and journals sorted by year.
ii) Find all authors who have written a book and also a journal article in the same year.
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