Write short note on: Unix Security Measures?

Dual-Mode Operation

  • Sharing system resources requires the operating system to ensure thataprogram cannot arbitrarily interfere with other programs
  • The hardware itself provides support to differentiate between at least two modes of operations:
    • User mode: execution done on behalf ofauser
    • Monitor mode (also supervisor mode or system mode): execution done on behalf of the operating system
  • Privileged instructions can be issued only in monitor mode
  • The mode bit is added to computer hardware to indicate the current mode: monitor (0) or user (1)
  • When an interrupt or fault occurs, the hardware switches to monitor mode by following the address, stored in the interrupt vector, to the interrupt handler function in the OS; this handler will let the OS decide what to do next.

I/O Protection

  • All 1/0 instructions (read (), write(),send (), recv(), fgets (),putc(),etc.) are privileged instructions
  • Because: the OS must ensure thatauser program could never gain control of the computer in monitor mode by storinganew address in the interrupt vector

Memory Protection

  • Must provide memory protection at least for the interrupt vector and the interrupt handler function
  • In order to have memory protection, add two registers that determine the range of legal addressesaprogram may access:
    • Base register-holds the smallest legal physical memory address.
    • Limit register–contains the size of the range
  • Memory outside the defined range is protected

Memory Protection

  • The base and limit registers definea logical address space, which is virtualized for the process to start at address0
  • When executing in monitor mode, the operating system has unrestricted access to both monitor and user's memory
  • Obviously, the load instructions for the base and limit registers are privileged instructions

CPU Protection

  • If the CPU is executing program instructions one after the next, how does the OS retain control?
  • A timer interrupts the control flow afteraspecified period to ensure that the operating system hasachance to determine what to do
    • Timer is decremented every clock tick
    • When timer reaches the value 0, the interrupt vector is followed to the interrupt handler
  • Timer commonly used to implement time sharing
  • Also used to compute the current time "Load-timer" is a privileged instruction

General-System Architecture

  • Given the I/O instructions are privileged, how does the user program perform I/0?
    • With a system call: the method used byaprocess to request action by the operating system
    • Control passes through the interrupt vector toaservice routine in the OS, and the mode bit is set to monitor mode
    • The monitor verifies that the parameters are correct and legal, executes the request, and returns control to the program instruction immediately following the system call

User Account Rights Protect Files

  • User files are protected from other users by defining access based on user accounts
  • If you are logged in as an account with access (e.g., you're the owner, oragroup owner), you can manipulate the file:
    • chmod
    • vim
    • touch
    • rm
    • etc.

Acting as a Different User-Pretexting

  • If you want to temporarily act asadifferent user (but stay logged on as yourself), you can use the su command:

    • su yoog Obviously, you'll need to know yoog's login credentials
  • You can also execute just one action with the sudo command:

    • sudo -u yoog rm -rf ~/yoogFiles/*
  • These commands change your effective user and/or group IDs, all of which can be displayed with the id command

The root User Account

  • Most UNIX systems haveasuper-user account, typically called root, which has permissions to do anything
    • su root
    • sudo -u root pkill -u brewsteb
  • As root, you can change file ownership, change limits on how many processes users can run at once, add and delete user accounts, and many other things
  • It is generally considered bad form to stay logged-in to root itself-it's preferred that you make use of sudo to make changes


  • Each executable has two security bits associated with it: SUID, and SGID
    • If SUID is set, the executable runs with effective user ID of the owner of the file
    • If SGID is set, the executable runs with effective user ID of the group owner of the file
  • This is different from before–we're now talking about specific executibles that have bits that enable them to run as different users
    • As opposed to beingadifferent user, and then running programs, as su and sudo allow

Why SUID Matters

  • What if you replace the contents of the real ping, which has SUID set and is owned by root, with your own code?
  • It would have the same permissions (owned by root), but could do anything you want to the system
  • What happens when you set the SUID bit on your own executables?
  • They would still be owned by you, and thus would run as you
    • Since you're not root this isn't very interesting
  • Can you give your custom executable to root?
  • No–this is specifically why you have to be logged in as root to change file ownership!
    • chown doesn't work unless you're root
    • chgrp don't work unless you areamember of that group

Strongest Forms of Security

  • The strongest forms of security involve network ånd physical isolation, but these seriously limit utility
  • If you do grant physical access to your computer-even disabling local login access-you still have to worry about:
    • Bootable devices (live CDs, flash drives, etc.) can boot a different OS that can access the hard drive of your computer
    • Hard drive could be stolen and read
    • Reading link-level NIC lights, keyboard EM
    • With local logins, passwords=pain

Actual Password Security... is a Pain in the Neck

  • Don't let users write them down
  • Age the passwords
  • Enforce stronger (but more annoying) passwords
    • 1337: @nt3@t3[2
    • random: Z1#3s8u*h mypassword
    • long: Ho\/doYouTypeMeF@st
  • Restrict use of previous passwords
  • Password dictionary check

Password Security

  • Longer is better than more complicated
  • Lower case letters = 26 possibilities per character
  • Upper case letters = 26 possibilities per character
  • Numbers $=10$ possibilities per character
  • Special Characters = 30 possibilities per character
  • Any given character could be 1 of 92 choices
  • There are then $92^{8} 8$-character passwords:
  • $92 \times 92 \times 92 \times 92 \times 92 \times 92 \times 92 \times 92=92^{8}$

  • Longer is better than more complicated $$ \text { - } 92^{8}=5.1 \times 10^{15}=5,132,188,731,375,616 $$

  • Using just lower case letters:
  • $26^{8}=2.0 \times 10^{11}=\quad 208,827,064,576$
  • A 12 character, lower-case password: $-26^{12}=9.5 \times 10^{16}=95,428,956,661,682,176$

  • Which is easier to remember:

  • TR0m\&on3
  • ihavetwoarms
  • Which are you more likely to write down?
  • FYI, 4 common words are important in the example above
  • See xkcd's excellent correct horse battery staple comic:

Login Failures

  • What happens if you don't lockauser account if too many failures happen?
    • A account can be brute forced by guessing possibilities
  • Passwords are generated with the sausage model (one-way):
    • username: UserBob
    • password: 123456 -> hashes to -> a3R7nito5fo%r
  • Store the pair UserBob/a3R7nito5fo%r
  • This encrypted pair is public knowledge, but the encryption method is one-way

Password Encryption

  • If anyone knew how to reverse the password method, then:
    • a3R7nito5fo%r -> comes from -> 123456
  • Fortunately it is very hard to crack the one-way encryption
  • Problem: why is storing the password file publicly dangerous, and why is havingalarge encrypted password file stolenaproblem?
    • A dictionary can be built of encryptions by turning the crank sequentially:
    • 123454=JOF9#$94(4k9!
    • 123455=fj49#mc903#0Q
    • 123456=a3R7nito5fo%r
    • 123457=h9^wehf9*3xd9

Monitoring and Logs

With all of the insecure protocols still in use (telnet, FTP), keep a tight eye on everything with log files:

  • Network

  • Account login/logout

    • Program usage

    • File access

Getting Root Access when you're not supposed to have it.

  • Assuming social engineering didn't work, you'll have to use fancy stuff:
    • Port scans+port/program insecurities
    • Buffer overflows (with system access)
    • Boot hacking (with physical access)
  • Why are we talking about this stuff?
    • So you can protect yourself against it
    • Security checks
    • etc.
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