Write informative note on proper designing to control corrosion

Subject:- Applied Chemistry 2

Topic:- Corrosion

Difficulty:- Medium

2 Answers

Designing of parts should be such that it avoids sharp bends,stresses etc.or as far as possible the use of screws nuts bolts should be avoided, rather welding should be preferred;or material selection should be such a way that potential difference does not exsist to greater extent. The surfaces of two joining parts should be as smooth as possible.which avoids accumulation of corrosive liquids, suspended particles, dust, durt, grit stagnation of water, free circulation of air. enter image description here

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Designing of parts should be such that it avoids sharp bends,stresses etc.or as far as possible the use of screws nuts bolts should be avoided, rather welding should be preferred;or material selection should be such a way that potential difference does not exsist to greater extent. The surfaces of two joining parts should be as smooth as possible.which avoids accumulation of corrosive liquids, suspended particles, dust, durt, grit stagnation of water, free circulation of air. enter image description here

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