WRITE SHORT NOTE ON:User threads and Kernel threads.
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Who manages threads?

Two strategies

  • User threads

    • Thread management done by user level thread library.

    • Kernel knows nothing about the threads.

  • Kernel threads

    • Threads directly supported by the kernel.
    • Known as light weight processes.

User level threads

  • All thread management is done by the application

  • The kernel is not aware of the existence of threads


  • Fast (really lightweight) (no system call to manage threads. The thread library does everything).
  • Can be implemented in an OS that does not support threading.
  • Switching is fast. No switch from user to protected mode.


  • Scheduling can be an issue. (Consider, one thread that is blocked on an IO and another runnable.)
  • Lack of coordination between kernel and threads. (A process with 100 threads competes for a timeslice with a process having just 1 thread.)
  • Requires non-blocking system calls. (If one thread invokes a system call, all threads need to wait)


Kernel level threads

  • Thread management is done by the kernel
  • There is no thread management code in the application level, simply an application programming interface (API) to the kernel thread facility
  • Windows is an example of this approach


  • Scheduler can decide to give more time to a process having large number of threads than process having small number of threads.
  • Kernel-level threads are especially good for applications that frequently block.


  • The kernel-level threads are slow (they involve kernel invocations.) Overheads in the kernel. (Since kernel must manage and schedule threads as well as processes. It require a full thread control block (TCB) for each thread to maintain information about threads.)


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