Design the general type Go and No go gauge for component having 20 H7f8 fit whose step range is 18-24.

Design the general type Go and No go gauge for component having 20 H7f8 fit whose step range is 18-24. Given:

i. Fundamental deviation of the shaft= $-5.5 D^{0.41}$

ii. IT7= 16i and IT8=25i

Gauge tolerance is 8% of job tolerance and wear tolerance is 5% of gauge tolerance.

1 Answer

Design a general type GO and NO-GO gauge for components having 25H7f8 fit. Given :(i) i (micron) = 0.45 (D)1/3 + 0.001 D (ii)fundamental deviation of ‘f’ shaft = -5.5 (D)0.41 (D is in mm) (iii)20mm falls in the diameter step of 18mm to 30mm. (iv)IT7= 16 i (v)IT8= 25 i

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