Comment on bandwidth of FM wave.

Subject : Principle of Communication Engineering

Topic : Angle modulation and demodulation

Difficulty : Low

1 Answer
  • Theoretically, the bandwidth of the FM wave is infinite. But practically, it is calculated based on how many sidebands have significant amplitude

  • The simplest method to calculate the bandwidth

    B.W. = 2fm x Number of significant sidebands

  • With increase in modulation index, the number of significant sidebands increase. This will increase the bandwidth

    Carson’s Bandwidth

  • The second method to find the practical bandwidth is a rule of thumb. It states that the bandwidth of FM wave is twice the sum of the deviation and the highest modulation frequency.

    ∴ BW = 2 [ δ+fm(max)]

  • The Carson’s rule gives correct results if the modulation index is greater than 6.

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