Distinguish between Model and Modeless Dialog box.
1 Answer
  • Modal dialog boxes, which require the user to respond before continuing the program
  • Modeless dialog boxes, which stay on the screen and are available for use at any time but permit other user activities
  • A modal dialog box doesn’t allow the user to access the parent window while the dialog is open – it must be dealt with and closed before continuing. A modeless dialog can be open in the background.
  • When a modal dialog is open you cannot interact with anything else than this modal dialog inside your program, as long as the modal dialog is open. Most dialogs are modal, for example the File-Save As dialogs are modal.
  • On the other hand a modeless dialog behaves just like a normal window, you can do anything you want while it is open. The spell checker dialog in Microsoft Word is an example of such a dialog
  • Modal dialog box captures the message loop. Whereas modeless does not.
  • Model dialog does not allow its parent window unless it is closed. Whereas modeless it allows.
  • Modal Dialog box occupies the Stack Area that the reason it can't give the control to its parent.
  • Modeless Dialog box occupies the Heap Area it gives the control to its parent.
  • Modal dialog: does not switches the control of dialog box outside the window.
  • Modeless dialog: can perform actions outside dialog box of the window.
  • Model dialog box is an static for the model box control application, & the modeless dialog box is an dynamic , so you can do anything in modeless dialog box
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