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Effect of Source Inductance
- The source does possess internal impedance.
If the source impedance is resistive, then there will be a voltage drop across the resistance and the average voltage output of a converter gets reduced by an amount equal to:
lo Rs for a single-phase converter and by
2lo Rs for a 3-phase converter
Here lo is the constant dc load current and Rs is the source resistance per phase.
The source inductance causes the outgoing and incoming SCRs to conduct together is called the commutation period or the overlap period.
The output voltage during this time is equal to the average value of the conducting-phase voltages.
For a single-phase converter, the load voltage will be zero and for a 3-phase converter, the load voltage is $(V a+V b) / 2$ The angular-period, during which both the incoming ar outgoing SCRs are conducting, is known as commutati angle or overlap angle ' $\mu$ ' in degrees or radians.
The effect of source inductance is:
(i) To lower the mean output voltage,
(ii) To distort the output voltage and current waveforms
(iii) To modify the performance parameters of the converter
- More predominant in full converters than semi-converters.
During the commutation of $\mathrm{T}_{1}, \mathrm{~T}_{2}$ and $\mathrm{T}_{3}, \mathrm{~T}_{4}$; i.e. during the overlap angle, ' $\mu$ ' $K V L$ - for the loop abcda of $$ \begin{aligned} &v_{1}-L_{s} \cdot \frac{d i_{2}}{d t}=v_{2}-L_{s} \frac{d i_{2}}{d t} \\ &v_{1}-v_{2}=L_{s}\left(\frac{d i_{1}}{d t}-\frac{d i_{2}}{d t}\right) \end{aligned} $$ $V_{1}=V_{m} \sin \omega t$, then $V_{2}=-V_{m} \sin \omega t$ $L_{s}\left(\frac{d i_{1}}{d t}-\frac{d i_{2}}{d t}\right)=2 V_{m} \sin \omega t$
As the load current is assumed constant throughout, $i_{1}+i_{2} \diamond i_{0}$, Differentiating this with respect to $t$, we get $$ \frac{d i_{1}}{d t}+\frac{d i_{2}}{d t}=0 $$ From (1) $\frac{d i_{1}}{d t}-\frac{d i_{2}}{d t}=\frac{2 V_{m}}{L_{s}} \sin \omega t$ Adding eqn. (2) \& (3) gives $$ \frac{d i_{1}}{d t}=\frac{V_{m}}{L_{s}} \sin \omega t $$ Load current $\dot{i}_{1}$ through thyristor pair $T_{1}, T_{2}$ builds up from zero to $i_{1}=i_{0}$, during the overlap angle; i.e. at $\omega t=\alpha, i_{l}=0$ and at $\omega t=(\alpha+\mu), \dot{l}_{l}=I_{0 .}$. From eqn. (4) $$ \int_{0}^{I_{0}} d i_{1}=\frac{V_{m}}{L_{s}} \int_{\alpha / \omega}^{(\alpha+\mu) / \omega} \sin \omega t \cdot d t $$ $$ I_{0}=\frac{V_{m}}{\omega L_{s}}[\cos \alpha-\cos (\alpha+\mu)] $$
It is seen from the figure that output voltage Vo is zero from $\alpha$ to $(\alpha+\mu)$. Thus the average output voltage Vox is given by $$ \begin{aligned} V_{\alpha x} &=\frac{V_{m}}{\pi} \int_{(\alpha+\mu)}^{(\alpha+\pi)} \sin \omega t \cdot d(\omega t)=\frac{V_{m}}{\pi}[\cos (\alpha+\mu)-\cos (\alpha+\pi)] \\ &=\frac{V_{m}}{\pi}[\cos \alpha+\cos (\alpha+\mu)] \end{aligned} $$ Average value of output voltage at no load, $V_{0}=2 \mathrm{Vm} / \pi \operatorname{Cos} \alpha$ Maximum mean output voltage, $\mathrm{Vom}=2 \mathrm{Vm} / \pi$ Eqn. (6) can be expressed as $$ \begin{aligned} V_{o x} &=\frac{\text { Maximum mean output voltage at no load }}{2}[\cos \alpha+\cos (\alpha+\mu)] \\ &=\frac{V_{o m}}{2}[\cos \alpha+\cos (\alpha+\mu)] \end{aligned} $$ From eqn. (5) ... $\quad \cos (\alpha+\mu)=\cos \alpha-\frac{\omega L_{s}}{V_{m}} I_{0}$
Substituting this value of $\operatorname{Cos}(\alpha+\mu)$ in Eq. (6) gives $$ V_{a x}=\frac{2 V_{m}}{\pi} \cos \alpha-\frac{\omega L_{s}}{\pi} I_{0}=\frac{2 V_{m}}{\pi} \cos \alpha-2 f L_{s}, I_{0} $$ From above eqn., a DC equivalent circuit can be drawn as shown
The effect of source inductance $L s$ is to present an equivalent resistance of $\omega L s / \pi$ ohm, in series with internal voltage of rectifier, $(2 \mathrm{Vm} / \pi) \cos \alpha$. The voltage drop due to $L$ is proportional to $I 0$ and $L$. As the load current (or Ls) increases, the commutation interval ( $\mu)$ increases and as a consequence, the average output voltage decreases. As long as $\mu<\pi$, the output voltage is given by Eq. (8). When $\mu=\pi$, the load will be permanently short circuited by SCRs and the output voltage will be zero because during the overlap angle, all SCRs will be conducting. If $\alpha=0$, then the mean output voltage can be controlled over $\mu<\alpha<180^{\circ}$. Also, the maximum value of firing angle can be $(180-\mu)$. Practically, thyristor takes some time to regain its forward blocking Capability, therefore, the maximum possible firing angle can be $180-\mu-\delta=180-(\mu+\delta)$ where $\delta / \omega$ is thyristor turn-off time including the factor of safety. Here $\delta$ is called the recovery angle.