Explain whether agile process suitable for large scale project. If yes, why?

Subject: Software Engineering

Topic: Agile Software Development

Difficulty: High

1 Answer

Agile is based on the adaptive software development methods, whereas the traditional SDLC models like the waterfall model is based on a predictive approach. Predictive teams in the traditional SDLC models usually work with detailed planning and have a complete forecast of the exact tasks and features to be delivered in the next few months or during the product life cycle.Predictive methods entirely depend on the requirement analysis and planning done in the beginning of cycle.

Any changes to be incorporated go through a strict change control management and prioritization.Agile uses an adaptive approach where there is no detailed planning and there is clarity on future tasks only in respect of what features need to be developed. There is feature driven development and the team adapts to the changing product requirements dynamically.

The product is tested very frequently, through the release iterations, minimizing the risk of any major failures in future.Customer Interaction is the backbone of this Agile methodology, and open communication with minimum documentation are the typical features of Agile development environment. The agile teams work in close collaboration with each other and are most often located in the same geographical location.Agile methods are being widely accepted in the software world recently. However, this method may not always be suitable for all products. Here are some pros and cons of the Agile model.

The advantages of the Agile Model are as follows −Is a very realistic approach to software development.Promotes teamwork and cross training.Functionality can be developed rapidly and demonstrated.Resource requirements are minimum.Suitable for fixed or changing requirement .Delivers early partial working solutions .Good model for environments that change steadily.Minimal rules, documentation easily employed.Enables concurrent development and delivery within an overall planned context.

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