Explain various color models. Explain various considerations for choosing background and foreground color for web pages?
1 Answer

The different types of color models are:

1. RGB

Many color monitors use the three primary color of light in various combinations to create many colors on the screen. By adjusting the amounts of red, green, blue light presented in a pixel, millions of color can be generated. Hence, color palette editors exist with labels R, G and B

2. HSV

Some palette editors use a convention based on the Munsell method of color notation called HSV for hue, saturation, and value (or HSL for hue, saturation and lightness).

3. Dithering

The eye is never steady. If pixels of different color are placed next to each other, this tremor combines the two colors into a third color. This is referred to as dithering, and sometimes texture mapping. Consider color in context, never in isolation.

  • One background color interacts with other background color.Foreground text color and graphics interact with background colors.
  • When choosing colors consider these interactions and use colors that work well together. Use similar or the same color schemes throughout a web site.
  • This will give the site an identity and help the user maintain a sense of place.
  • Foreground color should be as different as possible from background color.
  • A contrasting foreground will maximize text legality.
  • A background color should organize a group of elements into a unified whole isolating them from the remainder of the screen.
  • Use background color that does not compete with the foreground. A background must be subtle and subservient to the data, text or symbols on top of it.
  • The most foreground text color is black presented on a light colored background of low intensity either white or light gray.
  • Use dark background only when establishing contrast between an area of the screen and the main screen body.
  • High intensity color as background must be avoided as they can be visually fatiguing when viewed for a period of time.
  • Short wavelength, cool colors have been found to be preferred for dark background.
  • Cool, dark color visually recedes, providing good contrast to the advancing lighter foreground colors.
  • Use uniform color in large screen areas.
  • They download faster, compress well and are efficient use of the GIF format. Smaller elements require more contrast between backgrounds.
  • For large images use flat Web-safe colors.
  • Use colors that can be easily reproduced in black and white on a screen or printer. This ensures that those who use a monochrome display or print in black and white will have a faithful reproduction of the intended screen.
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