Distinguish between pipelined vs non-pipelined system.

Subject : Computer Organization & Architecture

Topic : Module 3

Difficulty : High

1 Answer

Difference between Pipelined and Non-pipelined System

Sr. No. Topic Pipe-Lined System Non-Pipelined System
1 Working In this, multiple instructions are overlapped during execution. In this, processes like decoding, fetching, execution, and writing memory are merged into a single unit or a single step.
2 Execution Time Many instructions are executed at the same time and Execution time is comparatively less Only one instruction is executed at the same time and Execution time is comparatively high.
3 Dependency on CPU Scheduler The efficiency of the pipelining system depends upon the effectiveness of the CPU scheduler. The efficiency is not dependent on the CPU scheduler.
4 CPU Cycles Needed Execution is done in fewer CPU cycles Execution requires more number of CPU cycles comparatively
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