Explain the frame format in Bluetooth technology.
1 Answer
  • Bluetooth packet can be of 1-slot (625 us) or 3-slot (1875 us) or 5-slot (3125 us).

Fig5. Bluetooth Packets

Fig5. Bluetooth Packets

  • Each packet consists of a 72 bit access code.
  • The access code is used for packet identification.
  • Every packet exchanged on the channel is preceded by its access code.
  • Recipients on the piconet compare incoming signals with access code. If the two do not match, the received packet is not considered valid and rest of its contents are ignored.
  • The 72 bit access code is derived from master identity.
  • Thus, access code is also used for synchronization and compensating for offset.
  • The access code is robust and resistant to interference.

Fig6. Packet Format in Bluetooth

Fig6. Packet Format in Bluetooth

  • Header part of the packet is used by the Link Control (LC) logical channel. It has the following format:

Fig7. Header format

Fig7. Header format

  • AM_ADDR: temporary address assigned to active members of the piconet, used on all packets in both directions sent between the master and the addressed slave. An all-zero AM_ADDR is used to broadcast to all slaves.
  • TYPE: type of packet. There are 12 types of packets for each SCO and ACL physical links, and four types of common control packets for both.
  • FLOW: for flow control.
  • ARQN: for ACK.
  • SEQN: contains sequence number for packet ordering.
  • HEC: header error check for header integrity.
  • There can be two types of payload: voice and data. Synchronous connection oriented (SCO) packets only have voice field, while Asynchronous connection less (ACL) packets only have data field.
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