Explain Host to host delivery provided by data link layer and network layer?
1 Answer

Data Link Layer does not provide Host-to-Host delivery. Instead, there is Hop-to-Hop(node to node) delivery in Data Link Layer.

Hop to Hop delivery in Data Link Layer can be delivery of packets from the host’s network interface card(NIC) to the router’s interface or it can be delivery of packets from one router’s interface to another router’s interface or it can be delivery of packets from one router’s interface to host’s network interface card(NIC). It does not directly deliver the packets from source to destination instead delivers them from one hop(node) to another.

whereas, Host to Host delivery or source to destination delivery in Network Layer. In this packets are delivered directly from source to destination using IP address to the sender and receiver device. For optimal best path routing is used that determines the best optimal path out of the multiple paths from source to the destination.

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