Explain UDP with its header format?
1 Answer

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

  • It is a simple transport layer protocol designed to send data packets over the Internet.
  • It takes the datagram from the network layer, attaches its header, and sends it to the user.
  • It is a connectionless, stateless, and unreliable protocol.
  • But it is a fast protocol that offers minimal transport service.
  • It uses different port numbers so that the data can be sent to the correct destination. The port numbers are defined between 0 and 1023.
  • It is almost a null protocol that does not guarantee in-order delivery and does not provide a congestion control mechanism.
  • It does not have any acknowledgment mechanism. Therefore there is no handshaking between the sender and the receiver sides.
  • It is a beneficial protocol when data flows in one direction only and when acknowledgment of data does not hold any significant importance.
  • UDP is majorly used for streaming applications such as VoIP, multimedia streaming.

Need of UDP

  • TCP generates overhead for certain kinds of applications.
  • The Connection Establishment and Connection Termination phases of TCP consume most of the time
  • To avoid all these some applications require fast speed and less overhead therefore UDP is established.

UDP Header Format

  • UDP header has a fixed 8-bytes size simple header.
  • The first 8 Bytes contain all necessary header information and the remaining part consists of data.
  • UDP port number fields are each 16 bits long, therefore the range for port numbers is defined from 0 to 65535. In that port number 0 is reserved.
  • Port numbers help to differentiate several user requests or processes. UDP Header

The UDP header contains four fields are as follows:

1] Source Port

  • Source Port is a 16-bit field.
  • It identifies the port of the sending application.
  • This field can be set to zero if the destination computer doesn’t need to reply to the sender.

2] Destination Port

  • Destination Port is a 16-bit field.
  • It identifies the port of the receiving application.

3] Length

  • Length is a 16-bit field.
  • It identifies the combined length of UDP Header and Encapsulated data.
  • The limit for the UDP length field is determined by the underlying IP protocol used to transmit the data.

4] Checksum

  • The checksum is a 16-bit field used for error control.
  • It is calculated on UDP Header, encapsulated data, and IP pseudo-header.
  • Checksum calculation is not mandatory in UDP.
  • It is an optional field, depending upon the application, whether it wants to write the checksum or not.
  • If it does not want to write the checksum, then all the 16 bits are zero; otherwise, it writes the checksum.
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