written 6.5 years ago by |
What's the big deal in it?
"Buy engineering mechanics book and read it" - one would say.
Ha! If it was that simple.. half of the first year's wouldn't get a KT in Mechanics every year!
It's not like your junior college where you have government recommended textbooks, you learn it _head-to-toe_ and you are through. Here, in engineering, you don't have such textbooks. There are many _big-fat-heavy_ so called 'Reference books'. So you must choose carefully and read only what's important for exams.
"You don't pass reading everything important but skipping what's NOT!"
-- Shweta Singh (SIES Nerul)
All that said, do I know any tried and tested method to clear engineering mechanics easily? Yes. Because I was the topper of the class all my engineering.
1. Choose the right book
Well, you might know that engineering mechanics is numerical oriented subject. In fact, 70-75% of the question paper of Mumbai university is covered by numerical questions. You can buy Engineering Mechanics by Raja Patle which exactly does that. Only enough theory to understand the concepts and rest numericals. You can also buy Engineering Mechanics by MD Dayal. It's a good book but quite old. Many professors will ask you to buy it. It has lots of theory and few numericals. Buy anyone of these and you'll be good.
2. Download previous year question papers of engineering mechanics
This is the real secret which most of your seniors know but you don't! Until now that it is.. (I just told ya!). Mumbai University is quite awesome in repeating previous year questions. So download atleast 4 years question papers (available free on Ques10.com) and keep them ready for next step.
3. Prepare question bank
Now, time to analyse the question papers you have downloaded. Club together frequently asked questions from each module and write the year below them Example:
(May 2018, Dec 2016)
4. Solve them
Refer the book you bought earlier and solve the question bank. You may find solutions to many numericals directly in the book but some you might have to be figure out on your own. Go and get help from your college teaching faculty (that's how they'll remember you ;)).
5. Practice, Practice and Practice again
Nothing can beat repeation! Solve as many numericals as you can. Challenge your friends, participate in numerical solving competitions. If there aren't any.. organize one yourself. Anything.. but solve a sum daily.
PS: Follow these simple steps and you can thank me later. I would mind a treat from your either :P