Explain links in HTML
1 Answer
  • The link acts a pointer to some web page or some resource.

  • A web Site consists of multiple links; it allows building a relation among the web pages logically.

  • In HTML, this is achieved by anchor tag, <a>

  • Anchor tag has two main attributes, href and Target

href attribute:

  • The <a> defines the beginning of web link and </a> defines the end of web link.

  • The anchor tag consists of href attribute. This attribute specifies the target of the link.

  • For example,

target attribute:

-This attribute helps in deciding the location to open a hyperlink

  • The location could be new window, same window, parent window and in full view

  • The various values of target attribute are

    • self: loads the page into current page.

    • blank: loads the page into a new separate browser window

    • parent: loads the page into the frame that is superior to the frame the residing hyperlink

    • top: cancels all the frames, and loads in full browser window.

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