Digital Forensics Question Paper - Dec 16 - Computer Engineering (Semester 8) - Mumbai University (MU)
1 Answer

Digital Forensics - Dec 16

MU Computer Engineering (Semester 8)

Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) What do you mean by incident reponse methodology? Explain all components of it.
10 marks 00

1(b) What do you mean by digital evidence? What are the challenges involved in evidence handling?
10 marks 00

2(a) List ans explain in brief steps taken to collect live data from UNIX system.
10 marks 00

2(b) Explain procedure to investigate routers.
10 marks 00

3(a) Explain the terms:
i) DMCA ii) CFAA iii) CANSpam
10 marks 00

3(b) What are the steps involved in forensic analysis? Explain each in brief.
10 marks 00

4(a) What are various hacking tools? Explain any two in details.
10 marks 00

4(b) Explain the bodies of law. Explain the levels of law.
10 marks 5511

5(a) Write the differences between:
i) netcat and cryptcat ii) Virus and Worms.
10 marks 5472

5(b) Explain procedure for recording crytographic checksums of critical files. What are the advantages of it?
10 marks 00

Solve any four questionQ.6(a,b,c,d,e,f)

6(a) Write short notes on Evidence Validation.
10 marks 00

6(b) Explain the terms: Forensic Duplicate, Qualified Forensic Duplicate.
10 marks 00

6(c) Write short notes on internet Fraud.
10 marks 00

6(d) Explain techniques used to recover the deleted files.
10 marks 00

6(e) Explain the storage layer of the file system.
10 marks 00

6(f) Explain levels of culpability.
10 marks 5512

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