Difference between HI method and Rise and Fall method.
1 Answer
Sr No. HI Method (Collimation plane) Rise and fall method
1 HI method is less tedious, more rapid and simple method Rise and fall method is more tedious
2 In an HI method less calculation is required Rise and fall method more calculation is required
3 HI method is less accurate Rise and fall method is more accurate
4 There is no check on RL of intermediate points, hence possibilities of more mistake in calculation There is cross-check on each RL of intermediate points, hence possibilities of less mistake in calculation
5 The error in the calculation of RL of any point is not carried forward The mistake made in the calculation of RL of any point will be carried forward
6 Used for calculation the RL of profile levelling work, for preparation of contour map Used for precise levelling, fly levelling and check to level
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