written 6.5 years ago by |
The error that occur in chaining are classified as
1) Compensating error
2) Cumulative error
3) Personal mistake
1) Compensating error – error which may occur in both direction (i.e. both positive and negative) and which finally tent to compensate are known as compensating error.
These errors do not affect survey work seriously.
They are proportional to √L where L= length of the line
Such error caused by-
1) Incorrect holding of the chai
2) Horizontal and verticality of the step not being properly maintain during the stepping operation
3) Inaccurate measurement of right angle with chain and tape
2) Cumulative error - error which may occur in same direction which finally tent to accumulate are known as cumulative error.
They seriously affect the accuracy of work.
They ate proportional to length of line L.
The error may positive or negative.
Positive error- measurement length more than actual length (i.e. when chain is too short) the error is called as positive error. Such error occur due to
1) Length of chain or tape is being shorter than standard length.
2) Slop correction not being applied.
3) Correction for sag not being made.
4) Measurement being taken faulty alignment.
Negative error- measurement length of the line less than actual length (i.e. when chain is too long) the error is called as negative error.
Such error occur due to
1) The opening of ring joint.
2) The applied pull being much greater than the standard pull.
3) Wearing of connecting ring.
3) Personal mistake-error occurs due to carelessness called as personal mistake.
The following are the most common mistake.
1) Displacement of arrows.
2) Reading of chain in wrong manner.
3) Misreading.