Difference between Prismatic compass and Surveyor compass?
1 Answer
Prismatic compass Surveyor compass
In this compass the reading are taken with the help of prism. There is no prism on it. Reading are taken with naked eyes
With the help of prismatic compass whole circle bearing (W.C.B) can be measured With the help of surveyor compass reduced bearing can be measured.
Graduation in prismatic compass are marked from 0$^\circ$ to 360$^\circ$ Surveyor compass is divided into four quadrant and graduation are marked from 0$^\circ$ to 90$^\circ$ in each quadrant.
In a prismatic compass a mirror is provided with the sight vane. In a surveyor compass no mirror is attached to the objective vane.
Sighting the object as well as reading the graduated circle can simultaneously be done without changing the position of the eye. Sighting the object as well as reading the graduated circle cannot be done simultaneously without changing the position of eye.
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