Explain PHP string functions.
1 Answer
written 6.1 years ago by | • modified 6.0 years ago |
Function strlen() - To count the number of characters in a string strlen() function is used.
$str = "Ques10";
echo "The length of string is:".strlen($str);
// Displays: The length of string is:6
Function str_replace() - Replaces some characters in a string. str_replace() is case-sensitive, but we can also use its case-insensitive sibling str_ireplace() to avoid case-sensitiveness.
$oldstr = "The cat was black";
$newstr = str_replace("black", "white", $oldstr);
echo $newstr;
// Displays: The cat was white
Functions strtoupper() & strtolower() - Converts a string into uppercase and lowercase respectively.
$str1 = "Example of uppercase Function.";
$str2 = "Example of LOWERCASE Function.";
$case1 = strtoupper($str1);
$case2 = strtolower($str2);
echo $case1;
echo "<br>";
echo $case2;
example of lowercase function.*/
Function ucwords() - This function capitalized the first letter of each word.
$str = "example of PHP string function.";
$cased = ucwords($str);
echo $cased;
// Displays: Example Of PHP String Function.
Function str_repeat() - It is used to repeat same string for a specific number of times.
$str = “Ques10 ”
Echo “The Repeated string is:”.str_repeat($str , 4);
// Displays: The Repeated string is: Ques10 Ques10 Ques10 Ques10
Function strrev() - This reverses a string.
echo strrev("Hello world!");
// Displays: !dlrow olleH
Function str_word_count() - Counts the number of words in a string.
echo str_word_count("Hello world Example");
// Displays: 3