Differentiate between Image Enhancement and Image Restoration.
1 Answer
Sr. No. Image Enhancement Image Restoration
1. As the name suggests, in Image Enhancement, the original image is processed so that the resultant image is more suitable than the original for specific applications. The aim of image restoration is to bring the image towards what it would have been if it had been recorded without degradation.
2. Image enhancement makes a picture look better, without regard to how it really truly should look. Image restoration tries to fix the image to get back to the real, true image.
3. Image enhancement means improving the image to show some hidden details. Image restoration means improving the image to match the original image.
4. Image enhancement is a purely subjective processing technique. Image restoration is an objective process.
5. Image enhancement is a cosmetic procedure i.e. it does not add any extra information to the original image. It merely improves the subjective quality of the images by work in with the existing data. Restoration tries to reconstruct by using a priori knowledge of the degradation phenomena. Restoration hence deals with getting an optimal estimate of the desired result
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