Explain the Lamports happens before relation along with the conditions. How are Lamports logical clocks implemented?
1 Answer
  • In synchronize logical clocks lamport defined a relation called happens-before.

  • the happens-before relation can be observed directly in two situations.

    1) If a and b are events in same process and a occurs before b, the a→b is true.

    2) If a is the event of a message being sent by another process then a→b is also true.

    3) A message cannot be received before it is sent, even at the same time it is sent , since it takes a finite(non-zero) amount of time to arrive.

    4) The happen-before is a transitive relation so if a→b & b→c then a→c.

    5) If two events, x & y happen in different processes that do not exchange message, then x→y is not true but neither is y→x.

    6) the events are said to be concurrent which simply means that nothing can be said about when the event happened which event happened first.

    enter image description here

    a) 3-process each with its own clock, the clocks run at different rates. b) Lamport algorithm corrects the clocks.

    7)Using these method , there is a way to assign time to all events in a distributed system subject to the following condition.

    • If a and b represent to sending and receiving of a message, respectively c(a)>c(b),
    • If a happens before b in the same process, c(a)<c(b)< li="">
    • for all distinctive event a and b,

      e.g. totally ordered multicasting.

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