Explain media access mechanism in wireless LAN.
1 Answer

Frame exchange protocol:-

. Source station transmits data

. Destination responds with acknowledgments (ACK)

.If sourced doesn't receive ACK, it re-transmits frame

Four frame exchange:

. Source issues request to send (RTS)

. Destination responds with clear to send (CTS)

. Source transmits data

. Destination responds with ACK

IEEE 802.11 considered 2 types of MAC algorithm:

  1. Distributed Access protocols
  2. Centralized Access protocols

End result for 802.11 MAC algorithm called DFWMAC

enter image description here

Distributed Co-ordination Function:

DCF makes use of simple CSMA algorithm

DCF does not include a collision detection function

T ensure smooth & fair functioning of this algorithm, DCF includes a set of delays that amounts to priority scheme.

If a station has MAC frame to transmit, it listens to the medium.

If the medium is idle station may transmit

Otherwise it must wait until current transmission is complete

enter image description here

  • One of the main problem in wireless networks is the hidden station problem. The problem can be solved by using RTS-CTS mechanism.

enter image description here

  • RTS-CTS avoids the problem of hidden terminals: A and C want to send to B

    a. A sends RTS first

    b. C waits after receiving CTS from B

  • RTS-CTS avoids the problem of exposed terminals:

    a. B wants to send to A, C to another terminal

    b. now C does not have to wait for it cannot receive CTS

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