written 6.4 years ago by |
For FIR filter,
$H(z)=∑_{n=0}^{M-1}h(n) z^{-n}$
To obtain magnitude and phase response put
$∴H(e^{jω})∑_{n=0}^{M-1}h(n) z^{-jωn}$
Here phase response is given by:
$ϕ(ω)=tan^{-1}\frac{(Im[H(e^{jω} )])}{(Re[H(e^{jω} )])}$
The group delay is the delayed response of filter as a function of frequency ω.
The phase delay (T_p) and group delay (T_g)are given by,
$T_p=\frac{(-ϕ(ω))}{ω}$ and
The parameter T is constant phase delay parameter and it is given by $\frac{(M-1)}{2}$
If the phase delay and group delay are constant then such filters are called as linear phase filters. The condition for linear phase in terms of delay parameter is:
Similarly in terms of filter length, condition for Linear phase is
If only constant group delay is considered then the Linear phase condition is,