Subject Name : DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Month: May Year: 2018
1 Answer

Q.1.Answer any four of the following Total Marks:(80)

a)Justify Huffman coding is lossless compression technique (5)

b)Explain the role of illumination segmentation

c)Explain Bit-plane slicing with help of an example

d)Discuss color models image process

e) Explain properties of 2D -DFT

Q.2 a)Perform Histogram Equalization on Gray level distribution show in table, Draw the histograms of original and equalized images. Comment on contrast of image histogram equalization and after histogram equalization (10) enter image description here

Q.2 b)Explain Homomorphic filtering with the help of a neat block diagram (10)

Q.3 a)Using Hough transform find the equation of line that passes through maximum number points using following edge points $(1,4) (2,3) (3,1) (4,1) and (5,6) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $ (10)

Q.3 b)Calculate the efficiency of Huffman code for the following symbol whose probability of occurrence is given below.

enter image description here

Explain Run-length with the help of an example

Q 4. a) Consider an $8\times 8$ image, the grey level ranges from 0 to 7. Segment this image using region growing and region splitting technique. Comment on results

enter image description here

Q 4 b )Explain following morphological operations with example (10)

i) Opening

ii) Closing

Q.5 a) Explain discrete wavelet transform in detail. Discuss its relevance in compression (10)

Q.5 b) Explain any two spatial filtering techniques for image enhancement with the help of examples (10)

Q. 6) Write Short notes on four of following (20)

a)Distance Transforms

b) Chain Codes

c) Data redundancies

d) Eye Diagram

e) Low pass averaging filter

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