Find Eulers crippling load for hollow cylinder column of 50mm external diameter and 5mm thick. Both ends of the column are hinged and length of the column is 2.5m.

Take $E= 2x 10^5$ MPa. Also determine the Rankine crippling load for the same column. Take $\sigma_c= 350 $ MPa and $\alpha^{'}$= (1/7500)

1 Answer

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$l = 2500\hspace{0.05cm}mm\\ A = \frac{\pi}{4}(D^2 - d^2) = 706.86\hspace{0.05cm}mm^2\\$ $I_{xx} = I_{yy} = \frac{\pi}{64}(D^4 - d^4) = 28.98\hspace{0.05cm}\times\hspace{0.05cm}10^5\hspace{0.05cm}mm^4\ K = \sqrt{\frac{I_{min}}{A}} = 16\hspace{0.05cm}mm\ \sigma_c = 350\hspace{0.05cm}N/mm^2\ \alpha = \frac{1}{7500}\ I = AK^2 = 706.86\hspace{0.05cm}\times\hspace{0.05cm}16^2 = 181\hspace{0.05cm}\times\hspace{0.05cm}10^3\hspace{0.05cm}mm^4$ Both ends are hinged, therefore; $L_c = L = 2500\hspace{0.05cm}mm$ $P_{Euler} = \frac{\pi …

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