Explain the working of MTI radar with the help of block diagram and with suitable waveforms.
1 Answer

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Explanation :

  • The echo pulse from the target is received by MTI radar antenna. If echo is due to moving target, the echo pulse undergoes a Doppler frequency.
  • The received echo pulses then pass through mixer 1 of the receiver. Mixer 1 heterodynes the received signal of frequency (Fo+Fc) with the output of the stalo at Fo. Mixer 1 produces a difference frequency Fc at its output.
  • This difference frequency signal is amplified by an IF amplifier. Amplifies output is given to phase detector. The detector compares to IF amplifier with reference signal from the COHO oscillator.
  • The frequency produced by COHO is same as IF frequency so called coherent frequency. The detector provides an output which depends upon the phase difference between the two signals.
  • Since all received signal pulses will have a phase difference compared with the transmitted pulse. The phase detector gives output for both fixed and also moving targets. Phase difference is constant for all fixed targets but varies for moving targets.
  • Doppler frequency shift causes this variation in the phase difference. A change of half cycle in Doppler shift would cause an output of opposite polarity in the phase detector output.
  • The output of phase detector will have an output different in magnitude and polarity from Successive pulse in case of moving targets. And for fixed target magnitude and polarity of output will remain the same as shown in figure.

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