Explain Negative Super elevation with neat sketch and find the speed on main curve if a $5^0$ curve diverges from a $3^0$ main curve on a BG yard assuming the speed of branch line is 35 kmph.
1 Answer
  • Negative Superelevation Figure,

Negative Superelevation

  • When main line is on a curve and a branch line takes off from a main line with a curve which is in contrary flexure to the main line, the outer rail of the branch line instead of being raised, has to remain lower than the inner rail upto a certain distance from take off point.
  • The amount by which outer rail of branch line is lower than the inner rail is called negative superelevation.


  • $V_{\max ,B T}=35 \mathrm{kmph}$

  • Theoretical Cant, $e_{\text {th }}=\frac{G V_{max}^{2}}{127 R}$

  • ethBT $=\frac{1.676 \times 35^{2}}{127 \times \frac{1720}{5}}=4.7 \mathrm{~cm}$


$e_{t h}, B T=e_{a c t, B T}+CD$

  • $\Rightarrow \quad 4.7 \mathrm{~cm}=$ eact, BT $+7.6 \mathrm{~cm}$ $\Rightarrow$ eact, BT $=-2.9 \mathrm{~cm}$
  • As, For negative Superelevation,

  • eact, $MT=$ - eact, BT$=2.9 \mathrm{~cm}$

$\therefore e$ th,MT = eact, MT$+C D$ $e_{th,MT}=2.9+7.6=10.5 \mathrm{~cm}$

  • eth, $M T=\frac{G V_{\operatorname{max}}^{2}}{127 R}$

$\Rightarrow \quad 0.105=\frac{1.676 \times V_{\text {max,MT }}^{2}}{127 \times \frac{1720}{3}}$ $V_{\max ,MT}=67.54 \mathrm{kmph}$

Check, As per martin's formula,

$$ \begin{aligned} V_{\text {max, } M T} &=4.35 \sqrt{R-67} \\ &=4.35 \sqrt{\frac{1720}{3}-67} \\ &=97.88 \mathrm{kmph}\gt67.54 \mathrm{kmph} \\ (OK\mathrm) \end{aligned} $$

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