Design Principles
1 Answer

Visually pleasing composition:

  • Meaningful contrast between screen elements.

  • Create groupings. E.g. Birth date grouping in a form.

  • Align screen elements properly. E.g. screen elements on web page. Screen based elements are textbox, radio buttons, checkboxes etc.

  • Provide 3D representations.


  • Application should answer following questions:

    • What to do?

    • What to look at?

    • When to do it?

    • Where to do it

    • Why to do it?

    • How to do it?

  • System must be easy to understand and learn.


  • Application should have an appropriate level of consistency. E.g. All pages same format.

  • The position of standard elements should not change.

  • Commands & Menus should have same format. E.g. ctrl+p, ctrl+s.

  • Key shortcuts should be consistent across the system.

  • If past application or similar type of application have created shortcuts. Do not make changes unless there is a compelling reason to do it.


  • User should be able to recover from errors.

  • Help user in recognizing and recovering from errors. E.g. adding product to chart, deleting product. In short, Undo action must be provide. (ctrl+z)

  • Application should permit commands or actions to be reversed. E.g. Adding or removing item from cart.

  • Commands or actions to be reversed.

  • Prevent errors from occurring wherever possible.

  • When an error does occur, provide constructive messages. E.g. incorrect debit card number enter error.

  • Ensure that user never loses their work due to any technical error or H/W S/W problems.

User Guidance:

  • Meaningful feedback/help should be provided.

  • Help and documentation should be given.

  • On-line manuals should be provided.

  • System must be useful in supporting the completion of required objectives faster and in more efficient manner.

User Diversity:

  • Application should also consider people with disabilities such as visual problem, hearing problem.
  • E.g. some users have seeing difficulties, so larger text should be available.


  • Provide as simple interface as possible.

  • Provide common and necessary functions first.

  • Prominently feature important functions. E.g. RAM function

  • Hide less frequently used functions. E.g. Non popular brands.

  • Minimal surprise: if a command operates in known way, the user should be able to predict the operation of comparable commands.

  • Permit easy personalization of UI.

  • Encourage user in understanding the system.

  • It leads to higher user satisfaction.


  • The user shall be able to enter or exit with little or no effort. E.g. log in and log out options should be visible.

  • Provide for flexible interaction, same action through keyboard commands, mouse movements or voice recognition.

  • The user shall be able to determine where he has come from and what alternate exist for a transition to a new task.

  • Permit the user to focus on its task, without concern for technical details of the interface. Workings of inside system should be invisible to user.


  • The system must rapidly respond to users request.

  • Provide proper feedback.

  • Unexpected/slow/long download computer response time may also lead to frustration and Boredom.

  • A bored person is also likely to make performance errors.

  • Feedback may be visual, change in shape of mouse pointer, textual feedback. E.g. eject pen drive message.

  • Feedback can also be provided through sound. E.g. Pen drive attached to system, windows startup and shutdown sound, response of clicking icons on phone.


  • User must be guarded from making mistakes.

  • Hints and reminders must be provided to make users aware from making errors.


  • Minimize eye and hand movements.

  • Navigation path should be as short as possible.

  • Eye movement through a screen should be obvious and sequential.

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