written 6.0 years ago by |
Micro-motion study involves the following steps:-
i) Filming the operation to be studied
ii) Analysis of the data from the films.
iii) Making recording of the data.
Filming the operation:-
Micro-motion study consists of taking motion pictures of the activity while being performed by an operator. The equipment required to make a film or video tape of the operation consists of 16mm movie camera, 16mm film, wink counter (micro-chronometer) & other usual photographic aids.
Analysis of data from films:-
Once the operation has been filmed & film is processed, then the film is viewed with help of projector for analysis of micro-motions.
The film is analyzed in the following way:
Film is run at normal speed so as to get familiar with the pattern of movement involved.
• A typical work cycle is selected from amongst the filmed cycles
• Film is run at a very low speed & is usually stopped or reversed frequently to identify the motions (therbligs).
Therbligs after identification are entered in analysis sheet.
Recording of data using SIMO chart:-
Simulation motion cycle chart (SIMO chart) is a recording technique for micro-motion study. A SIMO chart is a chart based on the film analysis, used to record simultaneously on a common time scale the therbligs or a group of therbligs performed by different parts of the body of one or more operators.
The format for SIMO chart is shown as: