What are primary and secondary refrigerants? Give examples with application of each type.
1 Answer

Primary refrigerant :-

  • Primary refrigerant are those refrigerant fluid, which are directly used in refrigerant.

  • Primary refrigerant is cooled the substance or specific area directly by absorbing latent heat. i.e this refrigerant directly absorbs heat.

  • When primary refrigerant system used in refrigeration system then that system is called as directed expansion system.

  • Primary refrigerant fluid is directly used in refrigerant that means no any chemicals process used before primary refrigerant used in refrigerant.

  • Primary refrigerant fluid provides refrigeration by undergoing the phase change in evaporator.

Primary refrigerant examples -

  • Ammonia
  • Feron
  • Carbon dioxide (Co2)
  • SO2
  • Water

Selection of primary refrigerant depends upon -

  • Properties of refrigerant, like flammability, toxity, reactivity, chemical stability etc.
  • Environment acceptability like Average life, Global warming potentical, Ozon depletion potential
  • Cost and efficiency of refrigerants

Secondary refrigerant :-

  • Secondary refrigerant are those refrigerant fluid, which are not directly used in refrigerant.
  • Secondary refrigerant is cooled the primary refrigerant. i.e secondary refrigerant heat absorption from primary refrigerant.
  • Secondary refrigerant is liquid that used for transforming energy from primary refrigerant.
  • Secondary refrigerant fluid is not directly used in refrigerant.
  • Secondary refrigerant fluid provides refrigeration without the phase change in evaporator.
  • Secondary refrigerant are those liquid which transform thermal energy from one place to another place.

Secondary refrigerant examples -

  • Brines
  • Water
  • Air
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