Prepare and write six test cases for simple calculator application.
1 Answer
No. Test Case -ID Test case Objec tive Prereq uisite Steps Inp ut data Expect ed Result Act ual Resu lt Re ma rks/ Sta tus
1 TC1 To add two integer and display the result on ten digit calculato Calculato r is switched on 1.Key in a valid integer from - 9999999999 to +9999999999 2.Key in operator + 3.Key in second operand,a valid integer from - 9999999999 To +999999999 135 + 100 235(addition, above ten digits will be expressed in exponential form) 235 Pass
2 TC-2 To subtract two integer and display the result on ten digit calculator Calculato r is switched on 1.Key in a valid integer from - 9999999999 to +9999999999 2.Key in operator - 3.Key in second operand,a valid integer from - 9999999999 To +999999999 135- 100 35(subtractio n,above ten digits will be expressed in exponential form) 35 Pass
3. TC-3 To multiply two integer and display the result on ten digit calculator Calculato r is switched on 1.Key in a valid integer from - 9999999999 to +9999999999 2.Key in operator x 3.Key in second operand,a valid integer from - 9999999999 To +999999999 100 x 400 40000(multi plication,abo ve ten digits will be expressed in exponential form) 40000 Pass
4. TC4 To divide two integer and display the result on ten digit calculator Calculato r is switched on 1.Key in a valid integer from - 9999999999 to +9999999999 2.Key in operator / 3.Key in second operand,a valid integer from - 9999999999 To +999999999 100/ 25 40(division,a bove ten digits will be expressed in exponential form) 40 Pass
5 TC5 To clear the screen Calculato r is switched on Press C Symbol ‗0‘ should appear on screen Symbo l ‗0‘ appear s on screen Pass
6 TC6 To delete digits one by one Calculato r is switched on Press <- (backspace) One Digit should be deleted from right hand side One Digit is deleted from right handsi de Pass
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