Prepare six test cases for home page of marketing site www.flipkart.com
1 Answer
No. Test Case -ID Test case Objec tive Prereq uisite Steps Inp ut data Expect ed Result Act ual Resu lt Re ma rks/ Sta tus
1 TC1 To check interes t Whethe r internet is availabl e or not? Test interne t connec tion ww w.fli pkart .com Site home page display should display on screen Hom e page displ ayed Tes t to fail
2 TC-2 User name correct and valid user name should be registere d on flipkart correct and valid user name should be registere d on flipkart User nam e give n by flipk art Should enter valid the user name Goes to next page if user id and pass word verifi ed and valid Tes t to pas s
3. TC-3 Passwo rd correct and valid user name should be registere d on flipkart Ty pe cor rect and vali d pas sw ord Pass wor d selec ted by user and valid ated by flipk art Should enter valid passw ord Goes to next page if user id and pass word verifi ed and valid ated Tes t to pas s
4. TC4 To check wheth er site home page opens or not To displa y flipkar t home page websit e on screen Type site proper addres s as www.f lipkart .com ww w.fli pkart .com Site home page display should display on screen Hom e page displ ayed Tes t to fail
5 TC5 To search the produc t Search the product Click on produc t link Mou se rollo ver and click Shall display availab lity of product Sho w avail ablit y of prod uct Tes t to pas s
6 TC6 Produ ct details Product shall be availabl e on site Click on produc t link Mou se rollo ver and click Shall display product details displ ays prod uct detai ls of other prod uct Tes t to fail
7 TC7 Produ ct details Product shall be availabl e on site Click on produc t link Mou se rollo ver and click Shall display product details displ ays prod uct detai ls of other prod uct Tes t to pas s
8 TC8 Search for offers Offer should be valid for that day Click on Offer link Sele ct Offer icon and click Shall display offer details displ ays offer detai ls of selec ted prod uct Tes t to pas s
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