written 5.8 years ago by |
(a) OSInit();
This function initialize uCOS - II . It doesn't require any arguments and doesn't return any value.
(b) OSSemPend();
This function is used when a task:
(i) wants exclusive access to a resource.
(ii) synchronize the activities with ISR/task.
(iii) waits for an event to occur.
- The different arguments possible are prevent(a pointer to semaphore), timeout(for a task to resume execution) or err(different types of errors).
(c) OSSemPost();
This function is used to signal a semaphore. If semaphore value is '0' or more, its value is incremented. If a task is waiting for the semaphore, then the highest priority task gets the semaphore.
(d) OSTaskCreate();
This function is used to create a task.
Function prototype -
INT8U OSTaskCreate (void(*task) (void(*pdata) ) );
task $\to$ ptr to task's code that must be declared as void Task (void*).
pdata $\to$ pointer to data that is passed to task when it is created.
(e) OSMBoxPost()
This function is used to send a message to a task through a mailbox.
prevent: ptr to the mailbox into which msg is deposited.
msg: actual msg send to a task.
(f) OSMBoxPend()
is used when a task requires a message to be received. This function does not return anything.
prevent: ptr to the mailbox from which msg is received.
timeout: signifies waiting period.
err: errors.