Enlist different types of traps in plumbing. Explain any two with neat sketches?
1 Answer

I. According to shape :

• P-trap

• Q-trap

• S-trap

These types of traps essentially consist of a u tube which retained water acting as a seal between the foul gases in the pipe and the outside atmosphere. They are largely used for bath, sink, & laboratories.

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II. Depending upon use:

• Floor trap: These traps are usually used to admit waste water from floor of rooms, kitchen, bath etc into side room drain. These are invariably provided with cast iron or galvanized or stainless steel greeting at top, so as to prevent entry of solids & large sticky matter into drain pipe & avoid blockage.

• Gully trap: a gully usually provided at junction of room or roof drain & the other drain coming from bath, kitchen. The rain water pipe or sullage pipe discharging into drain is often connected to them through such trap. Gully traps May either S or P trap. The water seal usually 50mm to 75mm deep.

• Intercepting trap: intercepting trap is provided at the junction of a house sewer and a municipal sewer so as to prevent the entry of the foul gases of the municipal sewer into the house drainage system. This trap at such junction is often provided in a small manhole. It’s constructed just near the house, either outside the street or in a corner inside the house of boundary.

1. Floor Traps

1,Floor Traps

2. Gully Traps

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3. Intercepting Traps

enter image description here

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